
How Can I Stop Being So Needy?

Question by Sheryl: How can I stop being so needy?
I look for others for approval and I think Love sometimes…how can I stop 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by michele
It may sound silly, but here’s one thing you can do. You might be surprised at just how freeing it can be.

Are you ready?

Break a (relatively insignificant) rule.

For example, if your library forbids snacks, sneak in some M&Ms, and eat a few. Don’t do it in an in-your-face sort of way. Just be subtle about it.

The purpose for this exercise is to show you that you do not require the “approval” of authority figures.

Make sense?

Best of luck to you,

NB: I am NOT advocating wanton law breaking. I’m talking about a small, subtle “rebellious” type of action.

Answer by Sara M
Realizing your are needy is the first step. Now, just act like you are not, even if you still are, and eventually you will realize you don’t need to be so needy and stop it.

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