
How Do I Overcome My Sugar Addiction?

Question by girlygirl: How do I overcome my sugar addiction?
I have a bad sugar addiction. I cannot live without it. I try not to eat it but every day i do. I spend hours looking for dessert recipes that i can make and i try to find low cal ones so i dont gain weight from eating the dessert. When i do eat it i feel guilty and i throw it up. How do I stop my sugar addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by V
I’d worry more about what is causing you to crave the sugar so strongly, and less about eating the sugar.

Generally when the body is craving sugar its because it needs that instant energy. This is sometimes because its fighting something, or because you’ve exhausted all your reserve energy. I wouldn’t suggest denying yourself the sugary stuff.

However, you can do sugar and solve the craving in good-for-you ways. Blend some fruit (smoothies) and add sugar to taste. Make your own cookies from scratch using whole wheat flours.

When you get a sugar craving do NOT eat (actually just don’t eat these at all, trust me it’ll help tons) anything with corn syrup, splenda, aspartame, or other fake sugars. Stevia is the only exception, and use it in moderation.

Its best as well, to fit a little protein in with your sugar fix. So grab a handful of nuts, some kind of meat, or add powdered protein to your smoothies. This will help even out the sugar high, and keep you from crashing again so soon.

If your family has a history of diabetes, insulin resistance, or glycemic issues, make sure you go get your blood sugar tested. Its possible that your sugar addiction may be caused by an uncontrolled diabetic condition.

Answer by Angela M
Don’t eat fruit. Fruit has much more sugar than most candy, surprisingly. Your body actually isn’t craving sugar – it’s craving carbohydrates. Instead of sweets eat whole grain bread or even better….vegetables high in carbs. Carrots can taste quite sweet, if you put them in the microwave with a tight fitting lid and leave them in there for 2-3 minutes and let them steam, they get really sweet. Do you love to cook?

Instead of brown sugar use brown sugar substitute – 1 cup splenda, 1/4 cup sugar free maple syrup. If you make 24 out of this recipe and use the substitute, then these are only 30 calories. Use the 1 tablespoon normal sugar though. Guiltless.

Try bringing flavors out of food, rather than a quick fix. If you freeze milk until it turns to slush, then add cinnamon, did you know it gets sweeter and has a vanilla dessert-like taste?

Or eggplant…if you broil it until the skin starts peeling off, then let it cool off for a few minutes, then remove the skin under cool water, and mash it….it can turn extremely flavorful and to me it tastes sweet. Cook it with some tomato and sweet onion and you have a flavorful dish that’s super low calorie. You would be surprised by how cooking foods different ways can alter their flavor.

Don’t go cold turkey otherwise you’ll binge. I also have the same problem as you, but I am still my ideal weight because I find ways around it.

Go easy on the artificial sweeteners. Sweeteners are made from chemicals, so the more you eat them the more you crave. Diet soda causes them even more….but what it does is you feel satisfied but about an hour-a day later your body cleans itself by riding of the toxins…but it’s like a scab where it itches and you want to peel it off, but it will make it worse.

Pinto beans and lentils also get rid of the addiction for me. Carbs are sugar; sugar is just a specific kind of carb.

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