How Do I Quit an Addiction in Popping My Pimples?
Question by ? Girls of War ?: How do I quit an addiction in popping my pimples?
I have acne. It is not severe, but I make it look severe. Just one look at the mirror and I’m strongly tempted to “play with my face,” popping every pimple I spot even though they are tiny. I’m literally pinching almost every spot on my face. It makes my face red for hours, which is why I use cover up. I do use benzyl peroxide cleanser (nightly) for my face, but I always ask myself, “What’s the use if you keep pinching your face?” I know pinching the pimples are bad, and can spread the bacteria and even cause acne scars, but I do not come to my senses until after I had done the damage. Don’t worry, I’m not really harming myself. I always wanted beautiful skin, but the stress I get looking at my acne and seeing what I’ve done to make it worse is just so extremely painful to me. This “addiction” of popping my pimples with just the look of a mirror is so strong, I cannot help but just let myself go. I really need to learn how to keep my fingers off my face to let it heal. Any tips please?
EDIT (missing word):
“What’s the point* use if you keep pinching your face?”
Best answer:
Answer by Madcapped
Start by not keeping a mirror by your desk, or ready near you all the time. If you get an urge, put the mirror away or walk away from it, and if that doesn’t work, try to clear it up first and start by ignoring only a small amount of acne, and when you break out, it may be easier for you to ignore popping all of them.
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