
How Do You Stop an Addiction?

Question by Kenzie: How do you stop an addiction?
I struggle a lot with addiction, particularly to cutting myself. I’ve been doing well for the past three years, however, every three months or so I slip up. Does anyone have any advice on how to stop an addiction? I tried replacing it, but I ended up binging and purging. Additionally, I am seeing a counselor who helps me a lot, I just still feel tempted every now and again. Will it ever go away completely? I’m afraid I’ll have to struggle with this for the rest of my life. How can I eradicate this problem?

Best answer:

Answer by Joshua
Well , one of my dear friend s has dealt with cutting, I was the first person she told. And I stood by her and always tried my hardest to help her stop with her addicition. She told me that because of me I helped her stop cutting, she’s gone approx. 2 1/2 years without cutting!!!! So I personally I think that the best way to stop is tell a good friend about your addiction and hopefully they’ll stand by you through thick and thin.Good luck!!

Answer by Finnegan
Self harm and eating disorders often go hand and hand, this is because of the feeling of control that comes with such behaviors. When we feel like we do not have control of the world around us, we often turn to ourselves for feelings of control While therapy is a good source of help you probably require more than what a therapists can offer solely. I would suggest you look into to a 12-Step program that deals with the issues you are struggling with. In order to recover form any addiction, we need to seek the help of others, we cannot recover on our own.

You are not alone, there are countless people who are recovering from the ailments you are dealing with. Sharing your story with others will empower you, you will find help from others and by sharing your story you will help others abstain from the same behavior. Recovery is never easy, but it is definitely worth it if you are willing to work for it.

i wish you the best…

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