
How Does D2 Gene or Dopamine Lead to Addiction?

Question by Maria: How does D2 gene or dopamine lead to addiction?
I was reading that people born with low dopamine or different D2 gene are at high risk for a severe drug addiction , drinking problem or have a very high Libido.

I’m not sure how this works so can some one explain this to me and why that is the case with them.

Best answer:

Answer by George
These are only theories. There is yet no certainty about it. Read about the “Parkinsonian personality” and the “Dopaminergic personality”. Rad also about Hans Eysenck theory of the biological causes of extroversion and introversion.
The idea is that there is a individually based optimal level of dopamine in the brain that allows a person to be motivated and euthymic.
People who do not have this optimal level try to increases it with stimulating substances and activities (drugs, sex, computer games, shopping, etc)- Eysenck’s extroverts.
People with a high level of dopamine do not need adjuvants to feel motivated and they are usually highly active in life.- Eysenck’s introverts.

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