
How Easily Can Someone Relapse From Xanax Addiction?

Question by T: How easily can someone relapse from Xanax addiction?
This friend of mine went to rehab for Xanax. Now a year later he’s buying Xanax pills but taking them very moderately. I need to know how addictive it is.

Best answer:

Answer by cmsturrock
It’s pretty addictive. Doctors won’t usually prescribe them again for someone who’s been addicted, so where did she get them?

Answer by OF THE WOOD
They are very addictive, and the withdrawals are very unpleasant. If your friend was addicted before, it only takes a couple days to be addicted again.

Xanax Addiction Treatment Rehab — Xanax or Alprazolam is a benzodiazepine used in the treatment of anxiety and depression. It is one of the highly addictive prescription medications that may …

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