
How Long Do You Have to Take Xanax to Cause a Withdrawel Seizure?

Question by oldweirdhoss: How long do you have to take Xanax to cause a withdrawel seizure?
This isn’t about me. I’m not physically addicted to Xanax and don’t plan to be. But I’m curious how long it takes as compared to the other benzos. I’ve heard people claim to take it for a week and then have a seizure from stopping. (As opposed to Valium, which takes several months of addiction to do this much damage.) Is it really that addictive?

Best answer:

Answer by julie z
i took xanax for 5 months stopped takin it and never had a seizure

Answer by Linda C
I have taken Xanax off and on for years and have never had a seizure when stopping nor have I heard of that happening. However everyone reacts differently to medications. I personally found that although Xanax helps your feelings of anxiousness it also CAUSES them (this is an actual side effect) therefore creating the need for more Xanax. (the first time I was on them) It was very difficult for me to stop taking them after five years it was more of a withdrawal effect …nervousness,,,anxiety than anything else. Years later I was prescribed Xanax again only this time I took them “as needed” rather than Daily and did much better and had NO ill effect when I stopped. However I prefer Valium (because it does not cause me to be anxious as Xanax did) and switched to them have since taken them off and on…(per prescription) and Valium has NEVER caused me any problems..stopping or using. MOST IMPORTANT….ALWAYS consult a Doctor to track your reaction. Hope I could help.
Good Luck

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