
How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?

Question by Pisces: How much caffeine is too much?
So lately I’ve been sleeping at like 6am and waking up near the afternoon.. It really sucks cause it feels like your days are halved.

I’ve consumed One small can of Rockstar, a big Monster and I’m about to go for a Redbull cause we ran out of water.

Would it be too much to go for the Redbull? Caffeine kills, so I’m trying to watch myself.

How much MG caffeine is too much? or how many cups of coffee estimated?

Best answer:

Answer by Ashvin
A typical espresso or brewed coffee contains between 40-100 mg of caffeine. On its own, caffeine does pass through the body quickly. However, excess caffeine intake in the range of 200-300mg can lead to health problems over time.

I actually have personal experience with both coffee addiction and caffeine withdrawal. That was over 19 years and the side effects are not instantly visible or noticeable.

As far as sports drinks or stimulants are concerned, I wouldn’t take multiple cans in quick succession. Apart from the body having trouble metabolizing all that sugar, it could cause mood swings and difficulty in concentration.

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