
How to Get My Brother to Stop Smoking Pot and Start Going to School?

Question by fancychancie: How to get my brother to stop smoking pot and start going to school?
I am 22, my sister is 20, my little brother (star of this discussion) is 15, my dad is 54. My little brother is a major pot smoker and it has ruined his 1st year of high school cause he is ALWAYS ditching to go smoke. My dad has given him drug tests and he will fail them, so my dad will take away his Xbox, phone, allowance basically everything he enjoys. NONE of this seems to phase him, he’s still ditching, smoking, getting all Fs. We have talked with the school counselor multiple times and each time it ends in something along these lines “Well, he is on my list, but keeping him in school and not smoking isn’t my job.” He DOES NOT want to help, my dad has to work to support us so he can’t follow him around all day and make sure my brother is attending. My dad is at his wits end, any more suggestions that will help us get a grasp on this kid again will be much appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by vatsalya
Is he a human? He doesnt wanna help, study, work. Let him smoke, he’ll die someday you take his xbox and enjoy. Or take a fake lung cancer test and say that he has lung cancer and is gonna die after 4 months and cant be saved now.

Answer by cr
You could try giving him back his Xbox or phone, etc. or try to find something that he will enjoy more than smoking pot. If he finds a new hobby, game, friend (who is a good influence) or whatever, he may be more interested in the game and possibly smoke less and less. As for him ditching school, I don’t know, sorry. Hope my advice may have helped at all though.

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