How to Help My Boyfriend With His Lying Addiction?
by elycefeliz
Question by Sunny: How to help my boyfriend with his lying addiction?
My boyfriend has a serious lying addiction, he lies to everyone about everything and he knows i know what he lying about, so he doesn’t think he is lying because i am smart enough to realize the truth.But
honestly i am very sick of it, and just want him to learn to deal with being a reliable, honest person with all the bad side effects and all, by telling people something they might not even like to hear.
I am thinking about breaking up possibly some time in the future (few months time), if he doesn’t fix his mental illness, i am considering getting a relationship counselor to help us so he can at least feel comfortable telling me the truth, or is a therapist better? Any suggestions how to help him?
Best answer:
Answer by Lainie
Telling lies for some people is just second nature as telling the truth by some. There is nothing you can do for him. You and he are not compatible because you have a different value system. First he will have to admit that he has the problem. Then he should be the one that is seeking help. And now you will have to examine yourself to see why you are still associating with him. You are judged by the company you keep sometimes.
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