I Have to Find an Addiction Treatment Center in Clearlake, California. How Will I Go About This?
Question by dariana e: I have to find an addiction treatment center in Clearlake, California. How will I go about this?
My sister needs my help in finding addiction treatment centers. Her alcohol consumption has really increased lately and she hasn’t been her usual cheerful self. She’s asking for my help in finding a treatment center for her and I really want to do this. I really want to see her be back to normal– be once again the sister I knew. Somehow, sometimes, when I look at her, it seems like she’s a whole new person, and this scares me. I just want her to be sober again. Help.
Best answer:
Answer by cintia i
You should take her to a doctor. The doctor will be able to properly assess her situation and tell you about the treatment programs that will be right for her, as well as tell you which addiction treatment centers have these kinds of programs. You can also check out the links that I have included below. These have lists of the contact information of the addiction treatment centers in Clearlake, California. I really hope that your sister gets treated soon. Just hang in there and keep on giving her your support, ok? Good luck!
Answer by insp.harrycallahan
Grab a phone book for the area, and look under the section for drug treatment/rehabilitation.
Good luck with your sister. . . .
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