I NEED Help… Help Me Get It?
Question by Puzzled: I NEED Help… Help me get it?
Hi everyone, so if you have seen any of my other questions – you will know that I’m a fourteen (almost 15) year old girl struggling with depression, an adjustment disorder and self harm. I am trying to convince my mother to let me go to this place, its about a days drive away, but takes people with similar issues to myself and has an extremely high success rate with recovery. I want to get better, I really do. I have told my mum I self harm, but she doesnt know how or how often (I cut, and its almost every night) it has become an addiction, its always somewhere in my mind. I want this help, but she is weary about sending me to a “rehab”, maybe she doesnt think its serious enough. Things ARE getting worse, sometimes cutting isnt enough. What can I say to my mum to help convince her?
Best answer:
Answer by Azure Horse
Be fully truthful with her is the only thing you can say. As a mother I would do what ever it takes to get my child the help they need, but if I do not have all the facts I can not help my child. I would bet she knows it is bad but does not want to admit it to herself how bad, because she might feel it is her fault this is happening. I would recommend you be up front and make sure you start with telling her she is a great mother and it has nothing to do with her being a terrible mother and that you need her to be the awesome mother you know she is and let you go to this place to get the help you need because both of you do not have the tools to fix this situation. This place has the tools and see if there are classes your mom can take which will teach her how to support your healing process. Do it together. Good job for you for taking steps to find help. You will be fine.
May you be blessed.
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www.palmettocenter.com 86 Palmetto Road, Rayville, Louisiana 71269 phone: (318) 728-2970 or 1-800-203-6612 email: [email protected]
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