
Is It Safe to Go Through Heroin Withdrawal Without a Hospital?)?

Question by superstarfish: Is it safe to go through heroin withdrawal without a hospital?)?
My boyfriend’s friend is addicted to heroin and has agreed to stay with my boyfriend under his care 24/7 until withdrawal is over. I know the symptoms can be severe and intense, and I was wondering, is this safe? I know the symptoms of withdrawal, and have read that withdrawal can potentially be fatal… hospitals typically use drugs to help a patient get through it, so how will it be without that?

fyi – The friend is not an extremely heavy user, but heavy enough, as you can imagine.

Best answer:

Answer by DAK
Try having him slowly lower the amount he takes each day for a few weeks. Withdrawal from a sudden stop in use will be bad.

Answer by Elena N
If you can, get him into hospital.
He’ll need more than just a 24 watchdog. On top of the physical part of dropping heroin, he’ll have a psychological addiction and that needs treatment as well. He’ll be 10x more successful in getting clean and healthy if he has professionals around him.

Wishing him all my luck and good health!

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