My Mother Enables My Drug Addicted Sister Why?
by mary hodder
Question by Rebekah Morris: my mother enables my drug addicted sister why?
7 kids in all, and we’ve tried to get our mom to understand why it’s so important to stop having dealings with my sister (her youngest). She has lost custody of both kids, and remains in a relationship with an addict. How can we get her to see the light? Mother claims she can’t stand to talk to her on phone or in person, she doesn’t believe one word she says, and she knows for certain she still uses. Why won’t she just tell her to leave her and the kids alone? I mean she has said she’s done with her before, but she won’t stand her ground, crumbles. I can’t imagine one of my kids being on drugs, it must break her heart to see her daughter’s life crash right in front of her eyes, but if every person you talk to, and all these professionals on intervention are saying the same thing “give her a bottom line if she doesn’t enter rehab” why in God’s name is it so difficult to follow through? I know it’s out of guilt that many parents give give give to their children, but there comes a point that no matter the mistakes you made raising them you have to let them fall at times. Right? I mean that’s how I taught my 4 yr old to ride a 2 wheeler. My poor mom 🙁 she’s not young any more and we have tried getting our sister to see that she is going to be the death of her.
Best answer:
Answer by Boys Town Counselor
Obviously old habits die hard and your mother is obviously older than you or any of your sisters. Continue to try and talk to your mother and if needed maybe seeing a family therapist would be helpful so your mother can hear it from a professional. Supporting your mother through the entire process will be important as this will prove to be more difficult for her. Try not to get angry or judgemental, that will only complicate things. Empathize and stay calm. I hope that this works out for you and your family in the end.
Having an addicted family member is extremely difficult. You could also contact Al-Anon and see if they can help. They specialize in helping family members of addicts. Their website address is…
Good luck!
Counselor, Dominic
Boys Town National Hotline
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