
Natural Products Expo West Harvests Snacks, Discusses Labeling – Los Angeles Times

Natural Products Expo West harvests snacks, discusses labeling – Los Angeles Times

Natural Products Expo West harvests snacks, discusses labeling
Los Angeles Times
Amid the package claims about gluten, humane treatment of animals, kosher and fair-trade practices, and rain-forest-friendliness, we also spied plenty of products that were fun, delicious and just plain cool — such as the haunted ghost pepper flavor

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

Most alcohol-linked deaths occur among working-age adults – WDAM-TV

Most alcohol-linked deaths occur among working-age adults
The state-specific report, released Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that, in the 11 states studied, alcohol caused a median of 1,650 deaths each year between 2006 and 2010. This equated to a median of 43,000

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

Social misbehavior and homelessness: Both need attention – Daily Camera

Social misbehavior and homelessness: Both need attention
Daily Camera
Causes of homelessness include mental health problems, addiction, family break ups, unemployment and the often simple inability to make ends meet in an expensive society. In Boulder there are hundreds who need and want assistance and are trying hard 

Causes of Addiction – Google News

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