
NJ Prosecutes Dealers in Overdose Deaths – KCRA Sacramento

NJ prosecutes dealers in overdose deaths – KCRA Sacramento

KCRA Sacramento

NJ prosecutes dealers in overdose deaths
KCRA Sacramento
The "Strict Liability for Drug-Induced Death" law allows prosecutors to pursue homicide charges against someone who has manufactured or sold a controlled dangerous substance — including heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines — that directly causes

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

Michele Bachmann Bravely Stands Up For Oppressed Straight People Everywhere – Wonkette (satire)

Wonkette (satire)

Michele Bachmann Bravely Stands Up For Oppressed Straight People Everywhere
Wonkette (satire)
Just having a Koch addiction is not enough for Shelly. You see, even though those billionaires, and many others, spend “I'm sure that the donors on our side don't like to have their names vilified and that's what this is about, intimidating people

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

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