
Physical Addiction to Alcohol?

Question by ~Carolyn~: physical addiction to alcohol?
Hi out there. Does anyone know how long it takes typically for someone to become physically addicted to alcohol? At what point is a medically supervised detox suggested?
The reason I ask is I am worried about a friend who is drinking a 12 pack or more daily for the last month or so. She has been drinking heavy for about a year but it’s increased alot recently. She had a bad break up and is depressed. She’s expressed a desire to stop drinking but says detox & rehab are not an option. She is a single parent and cannot afford to be out of work. I feel that medical detox is her best option, just to make sure she physically ok while she comes off the alcohol. Any advice along these lines would be very helpful. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Ama-san
When alcohol becomes a habit.

Answer by thevonbankfamily
It really depends on how much. My father fell off the wagon after 13 years, and within 2 weeks was downing a bottle a day.

Depends on age, amount, lots of factors.

One quick test: Can they make it through 48 hours without drinking? if not, or at least not comfortably, you probably are looking at a physical addiction.

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