Prince William and Kate Middleton Breakup
“Buckingham palace today announced the Prince William and Kate Middleton have ended their engagement. Inside sources claim the breakup occurred in the middle of fighting about proper place settings for their reception*.”
Whatever happened to happily ever after? Remember a time when the prince got to keep the princess? When two people found each other and they lived happily ever after?
In today’s world the cycle of cynicism is complete. We make somebody famous and the first question is who are you dating? The following question is when are you going get married? Then there are magazines and TV shows competing for the inside story of the wedding plans and inside pictures of the wedding. Next as soon as the wedding cake is eaten and the last present is opened, the question on everybody’s mind is when will they breakup. After the breakup we spend hours taking sides on whose fault it was for the breakup. Followed by who are you dating.
As the media continues to look for cracks in the marriage or flaws in being human, we continue to push for the end of happily ever after. Our society has grown to the point that as soon as we find somebody to place on a pedestal the knee-jerk reaction is to tear them down for being on the pedestal (that we put them on in the first place). In more “primitive” cultures, like the Aztecs, would place their victims on pedestals so that they could cut out their hearts. In this culture we do the same thing through our cynicism and desire to destroy anyone’s hope that we admire.
Imagine being in a place where any time your friend said that they had found somebody that they cared about, the first question out of your mouth would be when are you going to breakup? Followed with a list of all the reasons why the breakup should happen.
Think of your own relationships, what if every time you turned around everyone was asking when would you breakup your relationship, partnership, or marriage. What did you do wrong? Why can’t you keep a relationship? And please tell us how much pain you are in. Because, we are really on your side.
In today’s world we are not only sacrificing privacy, but what we are truly sacrificing is our humanness. We’ve developed the need to see someone else’s pain. We develop show after show of people in addiction, rehab, hoarding, fear, obesity and crime. The more pain the higher the ratings.
We as a society need to step back from our quest of other people’s pain. We need to allow ourselves to hope, to be more, to have more, and ultimately to love more. We need to be aware that our thoughts are intentions that have power. They also shape our children’s outlook on life and the world around them. If we need to see this much pain to feel good about ourselves, how much other people’s pain will it take for our children to feel good about themselves?
*Nope, they’re not really breaking up and I do hope that William and Kate do live happily ever after.
Dr. H. Christian Gunderson’s goal with any client is to help him/her find true relief from pain, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. He has a deep understanding of how to help people with many different issues, including relationships, family, business success and weight loss.
His clients have ranged from those working through the trauma of abusive parents to those who just need a helping hand when making an important decision.
NLP, counseling is a highly effective way to easily make positive changes to your life.
During our childhood we develop habits, or programs that embed themselves into our subconscious. It’s a lot like adding a program to a computer. Every time this program gets run, we follow the same habit over and over again.
Much like a computer, we can actually update our subconscious programs. By using a variety of simple techniques, NLP Santa Rosa can help you update your subconscious and become the person you want to be instead of being tied to old, unwanted habits.
We are located in Northern California and also travel throughout the country providing one on one client sessions and Business Rapport seminars.
Call today for a free 15 minute consultation to find out how NLP Santa Rosa can help you make positive changes to your life. 707-318-8117
His clients have ranged from those working through the trauma of abusive parents to those who just need a helping hand when making an important decision.
The name might sound a little scary, but using Neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, counseling is a highly effective way to easily make positive changes to your life.
During our childhood we develop habits, or programs that embed themselves into our subconscious. It’s a lot like adding a program to a computer. Every time this program gets run, we follow the same habit over and over again.
Much like a computer, we can actually update our subconscious programs. By using a variety of simple techniques, NLP Santa Rosa can help you update your subconscious and become the person you want to be instead of being tied to old, unwanted habits.
We are located in Northern California and also travel throughout the country providing one on one client sessions and Business Rapport seminars.
Call today for a free 15 minute consultation to find out how NLP Santa Rosa can help you make positive changes to your life. 707-318-8117
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