Quick Fix — Smoking in the Genes
Quick Fix — Smoking in the Genes — Why do some smokers become addicted to nicotine and others do not? And does the tendency to smoke run in families? Researchers are conducting studies on iden…
Another glove story: Collector shows his hand
Ned O'Malia, a self-described glove addict, with some of the 2,000 gloves he has found and stapled to the glove tree in his front yard in Albuquerque. (Jim Thompson/Journal). By Leslie Linthicum / Of the Journal | 12 … I don't know whether or not it …
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The alcohol gene? Mice with mutation hit the bottle
… their family and wider society. There's still a great deal we don't understand about how and why consumption progresses into addiction, but the results of this long-running project suggest that, in some individuals, there may be a genetic component'.
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