Shift Happens: Making Progress With the Addicts in Your Practice
Shift happens: Making progress with the addicts in your practice — Graham Gulbransen had no trouble getting and keeping the attention of his audience at the Rotorua GP CME last month. That’s because the GP from Kingsland, Au…
Index Roulette Vs. Individual Stock Potential [Apple Inc., Google Inc, General …
That's because they were small and are now large – and that growth has happened over a fairly short period of time, far less than the average work life of an American living now. The takeaway from that is that if you invest in Exxon …. Look at …
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Parents Arrested After Toddler Found Wandering Streets, Wet And Shivering: Cops
Before turning themselves in to authorities, Nicolas Latta spoke to WCPO to explain what happened, and the station confirmed that electricity and water had been turned back on in the residence. "My wife said she sat down for a … To Give Him Drugs In …
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