
Should I Confront the Mother of His Child? (Not in a Negative Way.. )?

Question by Jessica: Should I confront the mother of his child? (not in a negative way.. )?
Okay, I’m going to make this as short as possible.. I have been dating this man for almost a year. It has been going great, we enjoy each other’s company and are in love. He has a beautiful little girl, she is fours years old. He has her full time and her mother gets her daughter a day or two out of the week. I’ve developed a really good relationship with his daughter, she’s awesome! 🙂

Now, I want to make this clear. I am NOT trying to be mommy.. I DO want to continue to have a good relationship with the daughter because she deserves to feel nothing but love from everyone in her life. Every child does.

Since the beginning her mother just hasn’t liked me. I’ve tried putting myself in her shoes.. must be awkward to have another woman around your child.. She voiced to my man that she is afraid I am going to be a better mother than her… obvious self esteem issues. She does have a pill addiction, its really sad. But she has gotten nasty.. like talking about me to people and saying things on fb. She commented on a picture of her that she had on her fb (pic of just her in their old bedroom) and she commented *where the magic happens* I was so offended I talked to my bf and talked to her, she changed the comment to where the magic “happened”. She gets upset if my boyfriend their daughter and I go to the zoo, musuems etc…

I want to spend my life with this man and his daughter.. I wish I could just have a decent relationship with the mother. Should I try talking to her? If so.. should I call/text/fb or arrange a meeting? Or should I leave things alone? I don’t want to stir up more trouble..

Best answer:

Answer by Alexis
Hey just remember the woman still have lust for her ex to see another woman with their ex baby daddy plus to know they kid have a good bond with they other person what mother wouldn’t get mad lol jk anyways the only advice I can say it to continue to grow a good bond with they daughter because when the mother realize how much u care for her child y’all eventually grow a bond. P.s I hope I help and good luck!

Answer by Horrid B
Ive learned through my life it is always better to plaster a smile on your face and keep your head held high in situations like this. Being kind pisses people off and makes them look like asses. She is jealous and insecure. Nothing you can do about that, and its not your fault. I recommend not stooping to her level. Only speak to her nicely when you absolutely have to, and in everyother sense avoid her as much as possible. Nothing you will say or do can make the situation any better.

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