
Smartphone Addiction Causes a Wrinkle Known as ‘Tech Neck’ – the Standard Digital News

Smartphone addiction causes a wrinkle known as ‘tech neck’ – The Standard Digital News

Smartphone addiction causes a wrinkle known as 'tech neck'
The Standard Digital News
Having the latest gadgets may make us feel good but they are giving us a 'tech neck' apparently. Brits chatting away on clever smart phones and sleek tablets are forcing a new breed of wrinkle to appear. Throughout our busy lives the furrowed brow

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

First AAP de-addiction centre opens in NCR – Firstpost (satire)

First AAP de-addiction centre opens in NCR
Firstpost (satire)
This addiction causes a suspension of logic, a severe impairment of rationality and changes the victim's world view to a very narrow, conditioned perspective. Q: .. A: We have many cases where normally sane & rational people got addicted to AAPism.

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Surrender Your Addiction to Stress – Huffington Post

Surrender Your Addiction to Stress
Huffington Post
It's this inability to control outcomes that causes stress. So what's the answer? Is this really a lose-lose situation? Are we doomed to a cycle of stress, loss of control and more stress? In my book, The Ecstasy of Surrender I discuss how the answer

Causes of Addiction – Google News

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