
Smartphone Addiction Causes a Wrinkle Known as ‘Tech Neck’ – the Standard Digital News

Smartphone addiction causes a wrinkle known as ‘tech neck’ – The Standard Digital News

Smartphone addiction causes a wrinkle known as 'tech neck'
The Standard Digital News
Having the latest gadgets may make us feel good but they are giving us a 'tech neck' apparently. Brits chatting away on clever smart phones and sleek tablets are forcing a new breed of wrinkle to appear. Throughout our busy lives the furrowed brow

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

Porn causing erectile dysfunction in young men –

Porn causing erectile dysfunction in young men
Deem believes his sexual dysfunction was definitely caused by addiction to online pornography that left him unstimulated by real sex. But there is a way back. For Deem, it was a long, sometimes agonizing nine-month process – a process that's called …

Causes of Addiction – Google News

The Ripple Effect Of Heroin In New Hamphire – Here And Now

The Ripple Effect Of Heroin In New Hamphire
Here And Now
… of those arrested, finally apprehended, will say that the underlying cause for the crime was a drug-related addiction. But more specifically, we're hearing opiates. Whether in the form of heroin or prescription drugs, that's what we're seeing is at
NH senators call for funds to fight heroin 'epidemic'

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Causes of Addiction – Google News

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