Some Famous Celebrity Addiction Stories Reveal Big Names That Have Undergone Rehab Programs
Addiction is something that has not spared anyone even if the person in question happens to be a famous personality. Therefore you come across famous addiction stories which talks about the trials and tribulations of countless celebrities who have been addicted to substances like drugs, alcohol etc. There are a lot of well known celebrities who have at some point of their life have undergone a rehab program for either drug or alcohol addiction. Regarding the recovery rate of these celebrities some have been successful in getting off drugs/alcohol while some even after recovering have relapsed and others have been on and off.
One positive aspect of is that at least these stories provide encouragement to people who are fighting addiction problems. These stories give hope and courage to people who are facing addiction problems and this enables them to fight drug/alcohol addiction effectively. In case of celebrities their struggle with addiction under public eye may or may not lead to a successful conclusion but at least it acts as a stark reminder to others about the ill effects of addiction.
If you take a look at the you will discover that a lot of famous actors, actresses, musicians, singers, sportspersons have fallen prey to addiction and most of them have been in and out of addiction rehab centers. Do not be surprised if you find the names of celebrities like Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Samuel L Jackson, Winona Ryder, Demi Moore, Colin Farrel, Kiefer Sutherland, Melanie Griffith, Drew Barrymore, Kate Moss, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen etc amongst the list of patients available in numerous rehab centers. They have been there at least once in their life because of problems arising due to substance abuse. Although a lot of them have been able to kick their addiction still many amongst them are reported to have gone into a relapse.
Although the element of sensationalism is evident in celebrity addiction stories yet the desperate attempt of the celebrity to get over the problem is a pointer towards the fact that addiction leads to destruction. This acts as a warning to those who are new to addiction. Substance abuse or dependence on substance wreaks havoc in people’s lives and also affects family life; career, livelihood etc. There have been cases where talented individuals in spite of having a promising career have faded into the oblivion never to return back to normalcy. These cases are lessons about the life derailing effects of addiction.
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Addiction Rehab: Lexxi – So Cold ft. Amara
Support the effort to prevent suicide and drug abuse. Each one reach one. Promote self awareness and self value. One luv – Lexxi
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