
Posts Tagged ‘Addiction’

Causes of Addiction: Why Are Video Games Such a Problem?

Question by Rudolf: Why are video games such a problem?
I always hear about video game addiction. I am wondering what you guys think cause it. I for one am a gamer. I love video games. For me, I would probably say my “addiction” is that I can do so much in games. I can be a world leader (in Paradox Interactive games) or a hero (Skyrim). I could be them in real life, but that would require a LOT of work. I wish I had the self-discipline to just study 24/7 and enjoy it. Then I could become what ever I want. Sadly, games allow me to be what ever I want, and I do not have to study and work like crazy. That is what I think. What about you guys?
People, do not make this about me. I still get good grades (straight A’s). I still study, just not as much as I should. I want to know general addiction, and what you think the cause is.

What’s More Dangerous, Anorexia, Drug Addiction or Alcoholism?

Question by Illuminate: What’s more dangerous, anorexia, drug addiction or alcoholism?

Best answer:

Answer by Damon
I would say drug addiction or anorexia

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Causes Of Addiction: Redwood Cliffs Drug Rehab

Redwood Cliffs Drug Rehab is a residential, long-term drug and alcohol treatment program. We specialize in handling the underlying causes of addiction. Most …

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Causes of Addiction: Is It Bad That I Am Addicted to Pop?

Question by emily: is it bad that I am addicted to pop?
well im only 13 and I cant go more then a day with out pop. if I do I get really bad headaches. ITS SO DARN HARD TO STOP. its like I wil die if I don’t drink pop.

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica Anne-Nicole
Yes, pop has loads of sugar and can EASILY cause weight gain.

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Causes Of Addiction: 13/18 Bio-reward: pleasure pathways in the brain

From Dr Katharine May is a psychologist who works in addiction. She wrote her Masters on substance misuse. It was called ‘The M…

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Causes of Addiction: How Can I Control My Sexual Urges?

Question by John: How can i control my sexual urges?
So i get REALLY strong urges. In the past I have done some weird stuff because i cannot control them. The only way that i can ignore them is by ejaculating, but this isnt an option when i am at a shopping centre or whatever. Please help. Im not joking, i do weird shit and i dont even realize how stupid it was until i have cum. I know it sounds weird

Best answer:

Answer by Ghost Wolf
There are ten specific criteria of sexual addiction (a compulsion over which you have lost control):

Causes of Addiction: What Are the Long Term Effects of Caffeine in the Diet?

Question by Armchair Nutritionist: What are the long term effects of caffeine in the diet?
Other than being a diuretic can anyone with at least a basic nutritional understanding tell me possible long term effects of caffeine addiction. Please supply references.

Best answer:

Answer by C
stunted growth and addiction!

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Causes Of Addiction: Overcoming an addiction to pain killers

Managing pain without medication; too often people get addicted to pain relievers.

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How to Help My Boyfriend With His Lying Addiction?

Question by Sunny: How to help my boyfriend with his lying addiction?
My boyfriend has a serious lying addiction, he lies to everyone about everything and he knows i know what he lying about, so he doesn’t think he is lying because i am smart enough to realize the truth.But
honestly i am very sick of it, and just want him to learn to deal with being a reliable, honest person with all the bad side effects and all, by telling people something they might not even like to hear.
I am thinking about breaking up possibly some time in the future (few months time), if he doesn’t fix his mental illness, i am considering getting a relationship counselor to help us so he can at least feel comfortable telling me the truth, or is a therapist better? Any suggestions how to help him?

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