
Video Game Addiction Is Ruining My Life Help?

Question by HiCutie: Video game addiction is ruining my life help?
So I’m addicted to a video game called RuneScape. Well, I play literally 24/7 a day it’s really sad. well im not ugly or anything, but my lifei s really screwed up. like my mom passed away and my dad i don’t know where he is, i’m in foster care and i feel my life sux and i never got to live a normal life. i suffer from depression etc’ the reason y i play is because it makes me not think about my real life, its really fun and makes me happy, but at the end of the day i’m always sad because i think about how my life revolves around this game. i want 2 quit but, if i quit ill be more sad cause i don’t want 2 think about my real life and how my mom passed away, i got no dad, or brothers, and how im doing poorly in school cause my learning problem n don’t have many friends. i really don’t know what 2 do… always at the end of the day im sad and dread going 2 school the next day, all i think about is getting bak on and playing wif my “online” friends who seem to be like my bestfriends cause ive known them and they know everything about my life etc i know its sad but yeah. i really don’t know what 2 do theres so many reasons y i want 2 quit and so many reasons yi can’t quit. can u help me?

Best answer:

Answer by Andrew
well its obvious you have developed an addictive personality disorder, which is quite common amidst those who have dealt with abandonment or traumatic situations. First of all I’d like to empathize with your struggle and would like to say that if you are willing to make the change for a better life then your addiction is curable. It has already been mentioned that you play excessively because of your tendency to escape reality due to depression. My recommendation is to seek some form of counsiling or therapy that specializes with your case. You will need to learn to cope with the past and learn to accept the previous events of your life to ultimately start the path of quitting your game addiction. The therapy sessions will help you learn how to cope and apply your anxieties toward more productive measures of being.

Until then I would recommend trying to get out of the house and join a group at school. I’d imagine there must be clubs or organizations that may take your interest (no MMO clubs!) Once out of the house where no computer is near, you can make friends and focus on another outlet.

another option I’d suggest is to try to set the goal of turning the game off for a certain amount of time every day and record how long you can last. SO say you are able to go one hour without gaming. The next day try going for an hour and ten mintutes, and take baby steps until you are able to pry away from your game for a full day, then two, then a week.

Answer by canada_winnipeg_man
Place reasonable limits on Video game usage. Nearly all activities are healthy in moderation. Decide what a reasonable time based upon your daily schedule. In the case of children, an hour on school days and two hours on weekends are reasonable limits.

Adhere to your imposed Video game usage limits. Computer addiction starts by pushing the proverbial envelope and spending longer than originally intended on the computer. Soon enough, a few extra minutes on the computer transforms to a few extra hours.

Consider why you are using the computer if your usage becomes excessive. Boredom, anxiety, and depression are common reasons to overuse the computer. Work through these emotions if this is true in your case.
Seek assistance as soon as you realize that you are unable to properly control your Video game addiction . Early intervention can prevent a serious addiction from developing.
Good luck and take care as always……..

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