What and Who Should Be Involved in Addiction Treatments Like Heroin Detoxification for It to Be Successful?
Question by cherish l_l: What and who should be involved in addiction treatments like heroin detoxification for it to be successful?
I happen to have a cousin who is planning to undergo such treatment. Please help me.
Best answer:
Answer by Riya Layne
The most important factor in relapses is association. The detoxifying addict needs to get rid of past influences and associations, and friends that make him think of abusing heroin. An entire lifestyle overhaul is needed. I would suggest go to a hard-core. lockdown facility-the first couple of weeks would be real rough and he needs a place that would be gentle yet firm with him when he’s flushing the stuff out of his system. I mean, don’t go to a place where he can easily get out. Once the physical dependency is annihilated there is the mental depression that comes- for a long timehe will not know what to do with himself. At that time, he will really need his friends and loved ones to be there for him. The most important thing at this time is to make sure he is not left alone – or he will return to the substance. He might also want to consider joining a support group.
Answer by djbreed_2000
People who are addicts should undergo these treatments..hopefully he will get a thorough exam before hand.
I’ve heard they sometimes work,,and sometimes your just replacing one drug for another..
An addict has to say I quit..and not go back…there is a great website about an addict who started doing the Iron Man..let him watch that.It is powerful! His name is Todd Crendel,he was on 20/20..He has set a great example..of how to get off drugs and stay..it doesn’t involve treatment,or meetings,those addicting 12 step meetings only empower you to stay an addict.
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