What Are the Effect of Smoking on the Brain?
Question by phobiac_mongrel: what are the effect of smoking on the brain?
What happens to a intelligent person who smokes ?what happens to his good cognitive ability if he is a chain smoker too? IF HE STARTS SMOKES FROM HIS MID TEENAGE YEARS.
Best answer:
Answer by Petrusclavus
The toxins kill nerve cells.
Answer by Dr.dhananjaya Bhupathi
Let the bygones by bygone. You can’t undo it. No regrets. At least future can be taken care of. Your strong will power to stop smoking is wonderful.
It is a prudent idea to stop smoking*/chewing tobacco/gutka forthwith and permanently. A strong will power is required to prevent.
Out of every 10 lung cancer patients, 9 are smokers. Tobacco dipping, chewing and smoking [pot]/hukka by females hasten menopause and for the males lung/throat/esophageal/oral cancer assured—an American study published in WebMD.com.
Smoking makes you 5 years older
Men have a greater chance of dying then women, and smoking increases any adult’s risk of
death just as if five years were suddenly added to their age.
•?For men who have never smoked, heart disease presents their greatest risk for death at
any age, exceeding the odds of dying from lung, colon and prostate cancer combined.
•?Male smokers face a lung cancer risk that is greater than the odds of heart disease
taking their lives after age 60, and is ten–fold higher than the chance of dying from
prostate and colon cancer combined.
•?The chance of dying from heart disease and breast cancer are similar for nonsmoking
women until age 60, when heart disease becomes a greater risk.
•?For female smokers, dying from lung cancer or heart disease is more likely than dying
from breast cancer after age 40.
Diabetics who smoke are more likely to have severe hypoglycemia
People with diabetes who smoke are more than twice as likely to have an episode of severe
hypoglycemia, or very low blood sugar, as those who have never smoked, Loss of sugar can
cause mental confusion, or even coma or seizures in severe instances. Smoking, through its
effect on hormone regulation and insulin clearance, has been hypothesized to result in severe
hypoglycemia. According to a study published in the journal Diabetes Care, after taking
account of other factors, smoking conferred a 2.6–fold increased risk of having severe
hypoglycemia. Furthermore, smoking was associated with similarly increased odds of having
diabetes–related nerve damage, impaired kidney function, and sight–threatening retinal
–Dr KK Aggarwal Padma Shri & Dr B C Roy National Awardee
1. Tobacco chewing— CP 3x or Tobaccum 30-1 pill twice daily.
2. Smoking* habit— To remove craving!”or tobacco—Glon 30-1 pill twice daily. CP 3x alone or mixture of CP 3x or 12x and NM 3x, in a tumbler of luke warm water to be sipped every 10 minutes removes it in a few hours. If this fails give CP 200 once or twice a week for 3 or 4 weeks Nux Vom 6-4 or 5 times daily; if this fails after two or three days give China 6-4 or 5 times daily. Smoking is very harmful. It even causes cancer.
3. Opium habit— Mixture of KP 3x and NP 3x.
•Dosage*: 2 grains t.d.s.
•All these biochemic salts/homeo medicines available @ local Homoeo shops, are safe and with side benefits. Don’t swallow medicine. The medicine to be dissolved on/under the tongue. Don’t take any thing 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after medication. You can take water.
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