
What Are the Goals of Addiction Treatment Within the Criminal Justice System?

Question by aiyana ts: What are the goals of addiction treatment within the criminal justice system?
Will the criminals still have to undergo addiction treatment when they have gotten out of jail?

Best answer:

Answer by abigail lp
The main goal, I think, would be to help the person in a way that he would not veer toward the usage of drugs to offend the law again. This will get to lower the crime rate. Treatments within the criminal justice system can also cut drug abuse in half. I believe that treatment should continue even after the individual has been released from jail. He would need it even more because once he is discharged from prison, he would be coming back to the same environment that got him to start doing drugs in the first place. It would be good for him to undergo rehabilitation or join programs such as AA or NA.

Answer by JenH-RN
to reduce the rate of reintroduction to the criminal justice system
addiction is more than just a physical desire for a substance it is mental and emotional as well-

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