What Are the Statistics for Men That Are Able to Quit Viewing Internet Porn?
Question by sweet.21petite: what are the statistics for men that are able to quit viewing internet porn?
my fiance is addicted to online porn.He thinks he can quit on his own.I have read that its hard to do.Please give me all the information possible on this topic.
Best answer:
Answer by Magic 8 Ball
It’s like any other addiction. Some people can quit cold turkey (like smoking) and some need a little help, therapy, etc.
My advice to you is DO NOT marry this man until you are POSITIVE that he has completely quit. It will destroy your marriage and you haven’t even gone down the aisle yet.
Answer by zaza
You know, I read today that 60% of men view porn! This included magazines, internet, movies, etc. I was quite suprised by this. A VERY small percentage view it on a regular basis.
This article also said that it can EASILY become an addiction as hard to kick as any other addiction because all addictions work the same part of the brain.
Is there anyway you can lock your internet so he is unable to use it? Is there anyway you can live without the internet? I do not know what advice to give you. I just wanted to share what I have read. Good luck.
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