
What Happens in the Opiate System That Causes People to Form an Addiction to Food?

Question by Monica: What happens in the opiate system that causes people to form an addiction to food?

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Answer by ok
you should search food addictions same as opiate

All the research shows is that certain types of foods stimulate the same brain centers as opiates.
Food companies have been adding things to food to make people eat more of their product, even rats get addicted to things like oreos.
The actual means of travel and addiction is through the hormones, since food converts to glucose in the stomach and liver, and that is when the pancreas releases insulin , a hormone, to make the cells receptive to the glucose, its source of food for the cells. If the cells absorb the wrong kind of fat or the liver, it is not processed right and sticks to the body as fat.
good fat vs bad fat food sources.
The thing that triggers the ‘I’m full ‘ response in the brain is a hormone and that is short circuted by certain foods, especially high sugar, high fructose corn syrup and other food ‘flavoring’ and additives.
Attorneys are just now beginning to try to find ways to sue food companies, it is long over due and there has to be more regulation.
Our food supply is killing us. Killing us with pleasure tastes, that turn to fat.

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