What Is the Biological Bases for Crystal Meth Addiction?
Question by Random: What is the biological bases for crystal meth addiction?
I need to no how meth affects the brain (i.e meth might increase a certain type of neurotransmitter that causes meth abuse) and any other biological cause for the addiction
Best answer:
Answer by Karl S
There are CAUSES of the addiction and COMSEQUENCES of such.
There are no known predisposing (genetic or otherwise) factors that will “push” anybody into metamphetamine addiction, as it happens with alcohol, for instance.
However, depressed people, looking for a “high” state, are naturally more prone to seek the stimulant effects of meta-amphetamines….
The effects on the brain, are basically, to mimick the actions of adrenaline and noradrenaline (norepinephrine), resulting in stimulation of the cortex and braistem structures, that give us the alert state (hypervigilant state), with some degree of excitation, insomnia and euphoria (a false sensation of well-being)
As it happens with other amphetamines, when somebody uses it, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, inflamation of some vessels in the base of the brain (arteritis) and many other will ensue.
If taken (or inhaled, as is the case of crystal) for several days, dependance is the rule, because when you stop taking them, the amount of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the brain, are not capable of giving that “high” state of mind…after depleting the brain of those normal substances, depression (sometimes severe) is the rule…
The difficulty here is, that crystal has to be inhaled to make it effective, and is extremely addictive, because it takes effect in the first two or three inhalations (seconds literally) and the euphoria and excitation are quite substantial with this meta amph….and so are the risks..
Answer by lee f
We all go around in circles, influenced by one thing or another. Sometimes we are followers and sometimes we know that it doesn’t much matter what or how we fill in this time and space provided us, here on planet school. We find fascinations, objects to crave. For the mere reason of the fear of being alone, we will do things that hurt others and even ourselves, to fill in the time. Then there are some who love and have no care of standing alone and uninvited. There are people who are here just to keep the knowledge of the Living God which has given us this life to do what we may. Some would not entertain the possibility of doing anything not worthy of this little time we have to spend with other souls known and not yet known. Addiction is how we fill in the parentheses we call life. Hopefully the one we choose will not hurt others or ourselves.
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