What Makes One Addiction “good” and Another Addiction “bad”?
Question by magley64, magz™ if ya nasty: What makes one addiction “good” and another addiction “bad”?
most of the religious that answered my last question said they were addicted to god, or to jesus…
why is this socially acceptable? why aren’t there interventions to stop this addiction?
(in honor of a response to a previous question)
mable, how did you know i was a heroine addict?
*not a heroin addict*
Best answer:
Answer by tigris
Hey, I am addicted to eating every day and to breathing. I say this is good. Because if I weren’t it would be bad for my continued existence.
If you are addicted to something which is bad for your continued existence and will hinder your normal functioning, its clearly a a bad addiction.
If your addiction promotes staying a well adjusted member of society it’s a good addiction.
Answer by Sophia dirty sweet
I guess it’s if it allows you to function productively (religious people, for the most part, still show up to work every day) or if it inhibits you contributing to society.
Not too many people call in sick on Friday because prayer meetin’ went too long, so I think that’s why it’s acceptable. And, religion actually *does* help some people be better people.
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