
Whats NA Like and Is It for Me?

Question by : whats NA like and is it for me?
let me start off by saying i dont think im really addicted but drugs are on my mind constantly. ive been smoking weed like 5 years but i usually only smoke pot if i cant get any other drugs cuz weed doesnt impress me anymore and id rather just smoke h or dope. i aint been doin hard drugs often or even alot. only did dope twice but i stayed up like 5 days both times smokin it all day and opiates i done alot and it takes me like 30 vicodins ( but i take all tynelol out of pills so no liver failure first). but i dont even do opiates often anymore cuz my tolerance is too high to afford to do opiates more than 1 or 2 times a month now but its not long enough to lower my tolerance. and heroin always feels like im wasting too much money on. takes me 0.1 to 0.25 g’s of tar smoked to feel good.

i feel like i havnt gotten high enough times yet. its like an itch i cant scratch in my head. a couple REALLY REALLY amazing highs off opiates has had me hoping evry time i do it ill get that “Ahhhh…” eyes roll back of head feeling and every time i try opiates. but i never gotten that feeling in last like 6 months of doing it. it really sucks that opiates dont work for me.

i only do meth because its lot more bang for your buck than heroin but the high doesnt feel anywhere near as good as opiates to me. but my favorite is opaites and meth and weed at same time because it feels soooooo good and if i had a way to actually afford to do it ever id be so hooked i bet.

i dont thinks its any drugs that im addicted to tho cuz i never withdrawl but i never pass up a chance to get high off anything either. ill do everything from computer duster to robotussin to xtc and pretty much only spent money on gettin high like 2 years or more.

anyways.. ill be having to go to NA or else long story short whats to expect of it and if you read my story do you think id fit in at NA. i know the people there have probally done wayy more drugs then i ever have and i feel like imma be treated differently. ive never really belived im an addict but i kinda feel like an addict mindset cuz all that thinking in cycles when comes to drugs. like i dont know how to explain it all like i wanna stop wastin all money of gettin high but i also just love gettin high so much i cant see it ever really stopping by choice.

what yall think of all this cuz to me its confusing cuz i dont really know exactly how i feel about drugs cuz of all the conflicting thoughts

Best answer:

Answer by sandi
It’s a cult that I have belonged to for 6 years! It saved my life! Just joking, it’s not a cult. It’s just a place where people that used drugs go and talk about the problems they are having and stuff they are dealing with, so they don’t get high! I only did meth, but I did it every day and lost everything I had, and I am 44 years old! I went to prison because of my addiction, which is where you are headed because everything you are doing is illegal! They have all these stupid little sayings, that have A LOT of meaning, if you really don’t want to use again. I never smoked weed, but did a lot of ecstasy, drank and did some acid a couple of times. Oh and a lot of speed when I was younger. If you want to learn a better way to live and never do dope again, it’s a pretty awesome program. And people of all ages and walks of life will be there with you. They will become your family. Good luck to you, and may you be quick about finding a power greater than yourself (God)! Spiritual Sobriety is the basis of a new life. You will fit it, and they say, “If you don’t think you are an addict or alcohol, go use some more and see what happens.” Obviously, you have some legal issues or you wouldn’t be going and I don’t know too many people that are court ordered to go to NA/AA if they don’t have a problem! Clean for 6 year by the Grace of God and AA/NA!

Answer by ChiMom
As much as your other post says you don’t want to hear ‘how bad drugs are’, etc–there are 3 places you will end up, if you continue to drink/drug;
NA can save your life, if you are serious about your addiction.
Narcotics Anonymous is a 12 step program for any addict who is serious about living a clean and sober life.
from what you have written you are indeed an addict and NA can help you but only if you are serious about stopping the drugs and alcohol.
Your other question asking which drug gives the best high–and ‘not to tell you drugs are bad’ leads me to believe that you do not want to stop just yet.
Unfortunately addiction is progressive and the time will come when you will have to stop–or end up in jail, institutionalized or dead. That is how addictions work.

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