
Women Are Allowed to Be Abusive…?

Question by : Women are allowed to be abusive…?
We live in the sickest society, that tells women they can be violent toward others.

I was just watching Dr. Phil and this man walked into the bathroom was her daughter was showering (she was 19) and asked if she needed anything. He then opened the shower door and asked “are you sure?” He said she looked shocked and embarrassed. He left.

He was ashamed and he realized he has a sex addiction. He knew that he did was completely wrong.

When the woman was talking, she said her daughter told her about it and the man denied it was true at first. The woman then said “I slapped him” [pause] “and kicked him out that night.”

Now if a man had said he slapped a woman, FOR ANY REASON SHORT OF SELF DEFENSE, and on national TV no less, the audience would be horrified, and Dr. Phil would say HE is abusive and needs to deal with that.

Yet a woman slaps a man and NO reaction is given by anyone on the show; just as if it is normal to slap people short of self-defense.


If a man, a skinny man, slapped a much bigger woman people would still have a problem with it.

And let me say something about the shower thing: women’s bodies are respected in society, men’s are treated as a joke.

Women find kick in the balls funny, for such things as cheating, or even “to be funny or see what would happen.” If a woman was kicked ANYWHERE by a man for ANY reason it would be horrifying to people.

And if a 19 year old boy, or even a minor boy was naked in the shower and a woman did what the man did, people would be like “what’s the big deal? he probably enjoyed being peaked at by her!” But roles are reversed and OMG THE GIRL’S BODY GOT EXPOSED AND HE IS SICK!

We live in such a sick and sexist society, and woman take advantage of this.

Best answer:

Answer by Ranger K
Wow, I think you missed the point of Dr. Phil.

You sounds young, so it’s obvious you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s easy to generalize and stereotype when you lack life experience.

Women who hit others get arrested and charged ALL THE TIME.

Answer by Author 2 B
To be honest, I think the balance of sexual equality just needs a little time to even itself out. I get what you’re saying, and acknowledge that it’s probably true. Nonetheless, women did go through a very long time of harsh sexism.

We really need to figure out a fair way to balance out the two sexes. I think it would be difficult to completely eliminate all of the old sexist stereotypes, so it’s obvious that whether we like it or not, women and men will always be viewed differently, as a result of our past sexual discrimination.

So, more to the point, Men have more of a history of physically and sexually abusing women. When sexual equality was introduced as a concept, society went into overdrive trying to eliminate all abuse of women from men. Therefore, due to this powerful movement by society as a whole, it is still viewed as completely horrid for a man to abuse a woman, while, due to the fact that there isn’t as much of a history of it, women abusing men is more often overlooked.

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