
Xanax Xr Addiction?

Question by heman: xanax xr addiction?
since XR is considered a “long-acting” benzo, is there a lower risk of addiction versus the IR version

Best answer:

Answer by Rickydotcom
In theory, maybe. In actuality, no.

One of the properties of drugs of abuse that makes them more liable to cause addiction is their rate of absorption. The faster the rate of absorption, the higher the susceptability of causing addiction. On the street the effect is known as “the rush.” The route of administration (how the drug is taken) plays a major role. Drugs that are injected or smoked get to the brain faster, hence the higher addiction to crack, nicotine, or heroin.

Therefore, the long-acting, time-released form of Xanax (Xanax XR) should have a lower potential of causing addiction.

In practice however, many folks chew or crush the tablets allowing all of the drug to be absorbed faster, hence defeating the purpose and giving the desired “rush.”

Patients that do not crush their tablets can still become addicted because the drug Xanax (alprazolam) when used long-term causes tolerance (need more of the drug to get effect) and withdrawal (physical & mental cravings) when stopped.

Xanax-XR was introduced primarily to prevent panic attacks; another reason was to increase profitability for the manufacturer.

Bottom line – Xanax can be addicting regardless of dosage form.

Hope this helps. Be well.

Rick the Pharmacist

Answer by cat.tuck
i just consume my oval purple people eaters

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