
My Friend Is Addicted to Sleeping Pills. Any Ideas How to Ween Her Off?

Question by Alicia Boudier: My friend is addicted to sleeping pills. Any ideas how to ween her off?
She switches from Excedrin to Tylenol PMs, taking 3-9 pills a night. It always depends, she says.

She’s only 17 so I’m concerned. I imagine this can’t be good for her liver, or well, her health period. Any ideas how to ween her off?
Come on, people.

Best answer:

Answer by Ernie
She has got to see a doctor. This is serious.

Answer by knicname
She needs to go to MD. She needs to stop taking 9! If she just stops she will probably get rebound insomnia. If she needs that much to sleep she should see MD anyway to be properly medicated.

You’re a good friend

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