
4 Go From Rehab to Race – Daytona Beach News-Journal

Addiction Rehab: 4 go from rehab to race – Daytona Beach News-Journal

4 go from rehab to race
Daytona Beach News-Journal
The program allows nonviolent offenders with substance-abuse problems an opportunity to avoid prison by completing drug treatment. That's where Catherine Meadows, a 26-year-old counselor with Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare, came in.

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Addiction Rehab – Google News

Addiction Rehab: ‘Unguarded:’ The High Life of Chris Herren – Huffington Post (blog)

'Unguarded:' The High Life of Chris Herren
Huffington Post (blog)
He tells his story with humility and with the hope that someone, some youth or aging addict, or person at risk for a life too full of ruin, will find hope, treatment and the road to recovery. One day at a time.

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Addiction Rehab – Google News

Addiction Rehab: New video about addiction treatment from Castle Craig – Private Healthcare UK

New video about addiction treatment from Castle Craig
Private Healthcare UK
Family members of those in addiction treatment are an important part of the recovery process at Castle Craig rehab clinic. A person with an addiction will often bring a whole series of problems into a family. Families go through years of anguish as

Addiction Rehab – Google News

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