Atlanta Hypnosis His Need for a Vice Wouldn’t Let Him Quit Smoking
Atlanta Hypnosis His Need For a Vice Wouldn’t Let Him Quit Smoking — Nicotine addiction was not the problem for Joe. His story illustrates the real reason that most smokers have a hard time quitting.
Parking up the wrong tree?
There are renowned debating societies in the Netherlands, in Greece and at Oxford in England, but the best debates of all happen in the newsrooms of U.S. newspapers. Just such a debate – short but … The push toward forsaking the automobile isn't even …
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Food addicts: New study measures out-of-control eating
Researchers suspect that former smokers have simply traded the nicotine addiction for a food addiction, a process called addiction transference. …. What's going to happen then? Sometimes I have the athletes go through that," Detling says. Before …
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