
Addiction Rehab: Addictions Raise Problems for People Over 50 – Abilene Reporter-News

Addiction Rehab: Addictions raise problems for people over 50 – Abilene Reporter-News

Addictions raise problems for people over 50
Abilene Reporter-News
According to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the number of people age 50 and over admitted into drug and alcohol rehab centers increased by 70 percent between 2000 and 2008. Various reasons were cited.

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Addiction Rehab – Google News

Addiction Rehab: Lawyer seeks rehab for Soeharto’s great granddaughter – Jakarta Post

Lawyer seeks rehab for Soeharto's great granddaughter
Jakarta Post
A lawyer representing the great granddaughter of former president Soeharto, Putri Aryanti Haryowibowo, a defendant in a drugs case at South Jakarta District Court, says he will struggle to have his client put into rehabilitation for her addiction

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Addiction Rehab – Google News

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