
Addiction Rehab: Vibra-Acoustic Addiction Therapy

Addiction Rehab: Vibra-Acoustic Addiction Therapy

Prescription Audio’s Vibra-Acoustic Addiction therapy, called ReMind, combines the stress and anxiety programs with a guided neuro-lingustic addiction specific program delivered through Prescription Audio’s vibrational delivery method called the Satori chair. The therapy consists of four 25-minute guided addiction rehab audio and vibration therapy sessions. In one study, after a single session, subjects saw a 65% improvement in addiction symptom severity. For more information please see our website
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Addiction Rehab: Meghan Daum: Anthony Weiner’s inner geekdom
It would appear the New York congressman is not addicted to sex as much as he’s simply addicted to himself. Anthony Weiner, the disgraced New York congressman whose sins certainly don’t need to be spelled out again, has, we are told, checked himself into rehab. We can’t be sure exactly what kind, since his spokeswoman said only that he was seeking “professional treatment to focus on being a …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

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