
Back Problems Affecting Workout?

Question by SomeGuy: Back Problems Affecting Workout?
I’ve been having back problems for a few months. I went to a doctor and he said there was no problems just a regular sports injury. I’ve been working out for a little over a year now and it seems to be keeping the injury…sensitive. I would take a break from excercise only that isn’t possible, to top it off I have a fitness competition in 8 days. Are there any (non-drug) foods or excersizes rather than constant stretching that I can do to loosen up and defeat the injury?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr P pitties the fool
dude, you have got to rest. thats the only thing thats gonna heal it. i might reccomend icing, 4 times a day, 20 mins per session.

rest it, or find a way to exercise without putting any stress on it, or minimal stress. my trap muscle was holding me down for 6 months. it was strained, and nothing i did would fix it. finally i rested for 3 weeks, and voila! it was back to normal.

rest it, or face the consequences. i know what exercise addiction is like, you feel like you always want to lift/exercise. maybe this is why you just simply say “no way, not happening” when they say to rest. you have to understand that if you dont rest, there will be NO MORE lifting. and no more competitions. you have got to rest it.

Answer by subtle.nature
i’ve never heard of a food being able cure sports injuries, maybe tapir testicles?
seriously though dude, until your competition wear a lifting belt for ALL workouts. lay off squats and deadlifts, in favor of machine movements like leg curls. after the competition, take a month off. i agree with the previous comment. the only way it’ll heal is rest.

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