
Can Some People Really “Not Control Themselves”?

Question by SeaShells: Can some people really “not control themselves”?
I’m personally a Christian and I believe that God does not allow people to be tempted with things that they do not have the strength to overcome. With that said, I believe people often push their limits and find themselves in “uncontrollable” situations. Like when teenagers decide they don’t want to have sex until they’re “old enough” or “married” and they start out kissing, then making out, then groping each other, and they think they’re in control, then one day, they’ve gone so far that “it just happened”. You know what I’m saying? Like, it didn’t just happen, it was a series of events that led up to the big one. Anyway, my reason for asking is that I was watching SVU the other night and while I know it’s fictional, I know they do mention laws. There was a 15 yr old who’d slept with dozens of hookers and then raped a female teacher. He ended up not going to jail because he “had an addiction and couldn’t help himself”. Do sex offenders really get off that easy in real life?!
That’s my point, if it happened in real life, then what he did was wrong. He should not get off the hook because he “couldn’t control himself” because then can’t anyone use that excuse for any crime? Someone robs a bank and “I couldn’t help it! My family is about to starve to death!” or someone kills someone in cold blood and “I couldn’t help it. I played too much Halo!”?

Best answer:

Answer by Sahara
We are not all created equal. Some people are mentally ill or have problems at home. Your beliefs are wrong. It is not that simple. Does that mean that boy should be off the hook? Absolutely not. But he may need real help and not jail time where his behavior will only be encouraged.

Answer by infidel_louie
15 & he’s had sex with this many? Must be a liberal fantasy! Addiction or not he committed a punishable crime & I don’t believe any prosecutor is going to let that slide.

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