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Crack Cocaine, Alcohol, and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Crack Cocaine, Alcohol, and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford
NEW YORK, May 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — The following is a commentary from Stuart Kloda, MD, an Addiction Medicine physician in New York City. This past Wednesday, Toronto mayor Rob Ford has decided to seek professional help for his substance abuse. The media has shown Mr. Ford intoxicated on alcohol, as well as smoking crack cocaine. His resulting functional impairment and inability to stop using …
How to Stop Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results

Sen. Andy Sanborn How NH can work to prevent Zohydro epidemic
How we can prevent an epidemic of abuse of a powerful new drug.
How to Stop Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results

10 awful habits that are destroying your nails, and how to break them now
Sure, we dote on our nails, picking out the perfect polish color and spending a pretty penny to keep them beautiful. So why do we also sabotage their looks (and health) with bad habits?
How to Stop Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results

How has the Massachusetts health insurance law worked out?
Eight years later, the state has the nation’s lowest rate of uninsured — 3.1 percent — and the most expensive health care.
How to Stop Addiction – Yahoo News Search Results

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