
Drug Addict’s ‘Cry for Help’ at Burglary in Midanbury – Daily Echo

How to Stop Addiction: Drug addict’s ‘cry for help’ at burglary in Midanbury – Daily Echo

Drug addict's 'cry for help' at burglary in Midanbury
Daily Echo
But magistrates were told how Taylor wanted to be arrested because he craved help with beating his addiction and stayed until officers arrived. Unemployed Taylor, of Vanguard Road, Midanbury, was tagged with a curfew from 8pm until 6am until his

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How to Stop Addiction – Google News

How To Stop Addiction: FDA targets smokers as new campaign hits cigarette packs
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday released images of new warning labels cigarette makers will have to use by the fall of 2012. In the most significant change to U.S. cigarette packs in 25 years, the FDA’s new warning labels depict in graphic detail the negative health effects of tobacco use.
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