
How to Stop Addiction: How Do I Stop My Oblivion Map Being Wiped?

Question by Benjamin W: How do I stop my Oblivion map being wiped?
I was just starting the “Addiction” quest on Oblivion and as I entered the Halcyon Conservatory, my map reset (ie. all the icons had gone)

I have a save file before going into the conservatory and I want to know how I stop it happening.

Thank you.
I play on the PC, I have the following mods:
-Fathis Fiz
-Ren’s Guard Overhaul
-All of the mods on the Knights of the Nine box plug-ins

Best answer:

Answer by Jam Jester
If you can remove the mods one of them is prolly bad

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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