
How to Stop Addiction: Is There Ever a Stopping Point?

Question by Farmress: Is there ever a stopping point?
once you successfully lost weight by excercise and diet change, when should you stop obsessing over calorie-content and getting excercise in to avoid more resulting weight loss?

you know, once you get to a healthy weight, and you no longer wish to lose weight.

wouldn’t pausing on diet and amount of excercise be considered a better way than eating more to continue “excercise addiction”
Yes, I think I made a new term.

And I mean you limit food from learning how many calories you have a day… I mean like it seems your body gets used to telling you how much you should eat a day till you are full in a meal setting. As long as you eat less/little each day and walk sometimes each day or most days in a week you walk for a while…
You know, not having to over-exercise yourself?
BTW, I been doing so much work this week at home that I went down to 122 pounds. and I should be staying around 129 pounds.
I am an adult between ages of 18-50. not a teen, teens don’t really need to worry about their weight that much as an adult does… just for those who were about to say that..

Best answer:

Answer by Kale
That’s why they say you must ‘change your lifestyle’

It’s not a two month program where you lose weight and stop, this has to be a change that’ll impact you for the rest of your life.

It’s tought, but that’s why you don’t set anything exesively difficult for yourself.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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