
Internet Addiction/Abuse – Macau Daily Times

Causes of Addiction: Internet Addiction/Abuse – Macau Daily Times

Internet Addiction/Abuse
Macau Daily Times
Many of my Hong Kong classmates ask me what causes Macau youngsters to spend more time on the internet than those apparently trendier and “gadgettish” peers in neighbouring Hong Kong? My speculation comes down to a rather simplistic, no-brainer answer:

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Causes of Addiction: Too much information – Bangkok Post

Bangkok Post

Too much information
Bangkok Post
If this sounds like you, you could be suffering from information addiction. In a New York Times article, two Harvard faculty members explain that information causes a "dopamine squirt" in humans _ a rush similar to that given by narcotics,

Causes of Addiction – Google News

Causes of Addiction: The US Constitution Is Over 95 Percent Destroyed! –

The US Constitution Is Over 95 Percent Destroyed!
Where are our leaders who will speak out against family breakdown, pornography, US drug usage and the crime it causes? Our drug addiction has turned Mexico into a war zone. The Constitution won't work for such biblically immoral people!

and more »

Causes of Addiction – Google News

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