
Is All Drug Addiction Bad? What Is Wrong With Being Addicted to Sleeping Pills?

Question by thetigersnameistony: Is all drug addiction bad? What is wrong with being addicted to sleeping pills?
I have been addicted to sleeping pills for a while (probably years.) They are over the counter. I take them only at night to sleep…it’s not like they are disturbing my life in any way.

I actually don’t know if I am addicted because I have not tried to fall asleep without them and once recently I actually fell asleep without them and slept through the night. I just love the sleep I get using them and hate “trying” to fall asleep. I could sit up all night easily without them. With them I just fall into sleep and I love that.

What is the big deal? This is my secret shame, because I know the idea of addiction is negative, but is this something to be concerned about.

Best answer:

Answer by longview (For Da Ben Dan)
OTC sleeping pills never worked for me at all. It is impossible for me to imagine someone being addicted to them.

Answer by Geri
yes, prolonged drug use of any kind can cause damage you dont even know about. the over the counter pm pills arent for repeated use. and as they say on tv, they havent been known for dependancy.

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