
Marijuana, Alcohol, and Gambling Addiction.?

Question by : Marijuana, Alcohol, and Gambling addiction.?
My Boyfriend of over a year has smoked marijuana at least 3 times a day for the last two years. He drinks at least 4 times week anywhere between 5-10 beers at a time. And is always in debt because he gambles on sports weekly as well. I don’t know what to do. I want to try to help him but its hard i don’t even know where to start. He knows how much all three of those things upset me. And has tried to quit smoking 3 times in our relationship and it never last. And when he quits smoking for like two weeks he just leans on something else so he’ll drink more during that time. It’s really frustrating and i don’t know how i can help him if he doesn’t even want help. What the hell should i do…

Best answer:

Answer by mark
Why is it that good women love bad men, or good men love bad women. Is it that we feel we are responsible for things that we are not? You love him, but you have to be care full of your own mental health. Maybe you should see a councilor and talk about boundaries, because loving someone like this, will test those boundaries.

It is like this, you either create strong boundaries, get help or leave. Or you will start smoking, drinking and drowning together. He may care more about his needs, than your love.

Answer by MsJamers RN
He needs rehab treatment, but he won’t quit until he wants to. You can’t make him.

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